The following are tools, research reports, and other publications produced from work with past projects and clients:

  • Intersegmental Partnerships - Collaborated with California Ed Lab to conduct research, identify policy priorities, and create an implementation toolkit focused on intersegmental partnerships in California that bring together K-12, higher education, and workforce development sectors.

  • Best Practices in Deeper Learning Toolkit - Education Results Partnership's Best Practices toolkit based on deeper learning research with high performing schools in California

  • Teacher Engagement Toolkit - With Collective Invention, Inc., created a toolkit for Grantmakers for Education to provide funders with strategies and tools to effectively develop and sustain teacher engagement throughout their reform initiatives

  • Common Core Assessment Research Report - Survey research with assessment experts and funders on Common Core Assessment needs and issues conducted for the Sandler Foundation

  • Step Two: Using Assessments of College Readiness for School Improvement - Assessment and data use best practices research report written with the Council for Aid to Education and New Tech Network

  • In Their Own Voices - Urban Education Journal article describing an ethnographic study of the experiences and perceptions of high school dropout students

  • Developing a Supportive Learning Culture Across a Diverse Network of Schools - American Education Research Association (AERA) conference paper with Dr. Sherrie Reed (University of California, Davis) presenting research findings on building positive learning cultures across urban and rural school communities